One Officer Killed, Two in Critical Condition in Fargo

FARGO (WDAY) – Sources close to the situation tell WDAY Radio that one officer was killed and two are in critical condition after gunfire rang out in South Fargo, Friday.

Emergency crews were called to an accident scene around 3 p.m. on Friday. One witness says they were driving along 25th Street South when they were passing an accident that occurred near 9th Avenue South. The witness says as she was looking at the crash when one of the drivers pulled a rifle-like weapon from the trunk of the vehicle and shot multiple bullets in quick succession at the officers.  

“He pulls out a rifle out from the back of his trunk and aims it directly at the police – there were a couple of police that were standing in the middle of the street behind where the accident happened with the vehicle – and aims it, and I just hear him start spraying.”

WDAY Radio is being told that at least 5 people were shot, including 3 officers. Police formed a line outside of the Sanford Medical Center in Fargo, Friday evening before making a processional that left Sanford Medical Center and drove East along I94.

Law enforcement officers also evacuated an area of the 2800 block of 23rd Avenue South late Friday where officials begin to gather evidence related to the shooting. Sources tell WDAY Radio that a suspect was found dead in the Bluemont Village Apartments. FBI and US Marshalls were dispatched to the scene.

The City of Fargo, nor the Fargo Police Department have yet to provide any details on Friday’s events; Gregg  Schildberger, Director of Communications & Governmental Affairs for the City of Fargo spoke to members of the media late Friday afternoon indicating they would hold a press conference either Friday evening or sometime Saturday.

Stick with WDAY Radio for additional details as they develop.

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