Survey: FPD Officers share positive opinions on body camera program

(Fargo, ND) — A new survey of Fargo Police Officers shows they have a high favorability for using body cameras, which further increased after a year of use within the department. 

The data comes from an NDSU survey of 95% of the Fargo Police Department’s officers. When the department announced they would begin purchasing the cameras, NDSU’s Challey Institute sent a survey to members of the department asking about the opinion on the cameras. A year after the implementation of the body-worn camera program, a follow-up survey was sent to the department. 

“The perception of body cameras worn by the Fargo Police Department is very positive […],” said Director for the Challey Institute Dr. John Bitzan. “Not only did they have positive perceptions, but their perception increased, became more positive, after they wore them for a year. They already had a favorable attitude towards them, but [it was] even more favorable after wearing them.”

Dr. Bitzan also cited the officer’s positive perception increases when it came to quality of police work, easier to prosecute DUI’s, improved officer training, increased accountability of officers, reduced false accusations, and more. 

You can read the survey conducted by NDSU by clicking here

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