Burgum officially makes second debate stage

(SIMI VALLEY, CALIFORNIA) — There will be seven candidates participating in Wednesday’s second GOP Debate, being held in Simi Valley, California. According to POLITICO, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum will be one of the seven candidates to take part.

Late last week it was announced that Burgum had met all the requirements to be on the debate stage — including “three percent in at least two national polls, or three percent in one national poll and two polls from the first four states voting in the GOP primary, each coming from separate states, based on surveys that meet the RNC’s criteria for inclusion,” according to ABC News. Participants also needed 50,000 unique donors, with 200 of them being from 20 states or territories.

With Burgum meeting the requirements, it came down to the decision of the Republican National Committee. The Committee has the final say in who does — or does not — make the debate stage. Only former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson was the only candidate to have made the first debate stage, but not the second.

Wednesday’s debate will begin at 8 p.m. Central Time at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

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