Burgum speaks at Trump rally in New Jersey

(Wildwood, NJ) – North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, and his wife, First Lady Kathryn Burgum, joined Donald J. Trump for a rally Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Burgum, highly regarded as one of the top surrogates for Trump and one of the top names circulating for Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, spoke prior to Trump.

In front of an estimated crowd of between 80,000 and 100,000 people, Burgum said those gathered at the rally were there because they “care deeply about this country.”

“You care about your community. You care about your family,” he said. “You are about the future of this country. And by being here tonight, you are in the arena, and you know who’s grateful that you’re here.”

Burgum then went on to talk about the differences of being under a Trump administration versus the Biden Administration.

“Under Donald Trump, America will be strong again, and our allies will be safe,” he said.

Burgum had one final message for the crowd before Trump took the stage for a nearly 90-minute speech.

“If you wanna make America affordable again, if you wanna make America safe again, if you wanna make America strong again, you know what to do,” he said. “You can get this country turned around and turned around fast. Let’s send President Trump back to the White House and make America great again.”

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