Minnesota Supreme Court: Trump's legal team can speak in court case deciding his ability to be on 2024 Primary and General ballots

(St. Paul, MN) — The Minnesota State Supreme Court will decide if former president Donald Trump will remain on the 2023 Primary or General Ballots. 

Several Minnesota voters and former lawmakers, including former Minnesota Secretary of State Joan Growe, say Trump is ineligible because of the 14th amendment’s “insurrection clause” due to his alleged participation in the January 6th capitol riots. The court ruled against Trump’s campaign petition to intervene in the action because the candidate did not “properly move for intervention” through the correct methods and did not cite legal arguments in their request.

The Supreme Court says the campaign is still allowed to participate as an amicus curiae, or able to provide additional information to the court, and are also allowed to participate in oral arguments scheduled on November 2nd. 

Minnesota is the first state to proceed with court action because of a state law allowing citizens to request the state’s Supreme Court to outlaw a candidate. 


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