How To Catch Your Own Minnows & Mark Knutson From The Fargo Marathon

2:04:25 -  Steve Carney from Steve Carney Outdoors joins the show with tips on how to catch your own minnows with a minnow shortage looming.  Steve is holding a contest to take a veteran fishing with him. If you or another veteran would like to participate in this contest you can email Steve at Carneyoutdoorsatgmail [dot] com to enter and tell your veterans story. This contest ends on May 18th, and the winner will be drawn on May 19th at 7:10 am on Bonnie and Friends.

 2:18:00 - WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel explains the importance of a transition plan for farmers, gives a shout out to the 4-H team members in the 4-H live stock judging contest, the Livestock Enrichment Program happening at the Red River Valley Fair and she talks about Beagle Hill Organic Farm and how they got started.

2:31:36 - Fargo Marathon Executive Director Mark Knutson.The marathon is taking place on May 15th through the 20th. Registration is open to all. If you want to sign up you can use this link.

3:04:33 - Minnesota State Patrol Sergeant Jesse Grabow gives road safety tips and  reminder about summer road construction beginning in the Fargo Moorhead area.

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Original Air Date: 
Friday, April 28, 2023