Looking forward to the holidays

On today's episode Jon takes time to explain just what exactly he's looking forward for this year during the holidays. He shares his prospective on how having strong family and spiritual connects can help people navigate the ups and downs of life. Jon also takes callers questions and comments on the holidays and current issues such as the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. 

If you wish to be part of the conversation listeners can always call in at 701-293-9000 or email in at studioatwdayradionow [dot] com. You can watch previous episodes on YouTube and follow the show on Facebook

Talk of the Town with Jon Adams will touch on a wide variety of topics from local happenings in town to Bison sports. Jon is a local business owner and coach who hopes to bring his outlook for positivity, hard work, and passion for the Fargo-Moorhead area and all it's residents to the air waves to both entertain and inspire WDAY's listeners.

Original Air Date: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2023