Storm shifts south

Mother nature has a funny way of changing things around.  What looked to be our biggest storm of the season may end up being the biggest disappointment.   These things happen and that appears to be the case today.  ALL models now painting the F/M area with only about an additional 1-2″  This seems reasonable as dry air is ripping into parts of this storm.  One thing that HASN’T changed is we will have very windy conditions with this storm.  With around 1-2″ on the ground currently, this normally would pose a problem with blowing/drifting snow.  However, quite a bit of the snow has become “compacted” and not able to be blown around.  

Still, expect slippery conditions today with some blowing and drifting of the snow but not nearly the storm it could have been.


Chief Meteorologist,

Dean Wysocki

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