"Active shooter" and "active threat" training provided to more than 50 Cass County businesses and organizations

(Fargo, ND) -- The Cass County Sheriff''s Department is teaming up with police departments from Fargo and West Fargo to offer training that could be life-saving. 

"As we see on TV most of the times these situations people are using firearms to assault people but there have also been instances where people you know are using etched weapons, knives and things like that," said Jahner.  

Sheriff Jesse Jahner is talking about active shooter and active threat training that his agency offers. He says over the past year .. the training has been provided to more than 50 area businesses and organizations. Jahner says the training focuses on three key factors, including proper evacuation strategies, safely barricading in place and "taking back control". Sheriff Jahner appeared on "What's on Your Mind on AM 1100 The Flag". 

"So typically when we do the training we're calling it both active shooter active threat and really the responses are going to be very similar for both of those type of threat situations," said Jahner. 

The sheriff says the training focuses on three main components including evacuation strategies, safely barricading in place and regaining control. 

Jahner appeared on "What's on Your Mind on AM 1100 The Flag.  

Original Air Date: 
Tuesday, February 21, 2023