Merrill Piepkorn officially announces run for Governor of North Dakota

Courtesy: Merrill Piepkorn Social Media
Courtesy: Merrill Piepkorn Social Media

(Fargo, ND) -- Fargo Merrill Piepkorn officially is running to become the Governor of North Dakota.

Piepkorn, a North Dakota State Senator representing Fargo since 2017, is currently the assistant minority leader. If elected, Piepkorn says he wants to work towards bipartisan solutions and policies. He cited the need for property tax relief without their elimination, workforce development, and "innovations" in agriculture through value added products. Additionally, Piepkorn says bipartisan efforts will aim to help the whole state and not "target specific groups by taking away [the] personal freedoms" of librarians, teachers, and doctors. 

“We need a Governor who can [. . . ] remind us that we are all in this together, not a governor who divides us into us and them, the loyal and the disloyal. We need to build a future that works for all of us,” said Piepkorn in the Fargo announcement speech today.

If elected Governor of North Dakota, Piepkorn would be the first non-republican in the position in North Dakota since 1992 under George Sinner. Piepkorn is currently running against two GOP opponents: U.S. Representative Kelly Armstrong and current Lieutenant Governor Tammy Miller, as well as Independent Michael Coachman, in this election.